I am an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and have had a Tunbridge Wells based practice since 2008. As well as my advanced diploma training in Humanistic counselling, I have undertaken additional training in couple therapy, attachment, CBT and mindfulness based childbirth and parenting.

Alongside my counselling practice, I currently work within the NHS locally as a specialist bereavement midwife. I regularly teach and train all members of the team within the hospital, as well as medical and midwifery students in London and the South East. I contribute to national guidance relating to best practice in bereavement care through MBRRACE , as well as to their audit and reporting work.

I work closely with our local Tunbridge Wells Sands group, ensuring a link between hospital and community support.

I have also worked as a specialist screening midwife locally, and fetal medicine midwife in London. My midwifery and nursing training were in London teaching hospitals.  My interest in parents’ experience of abnormality and loss in pregnancy began while working in the fetal medicine unit at Kings College Hospital, where I decided to begin to train in counselling in order to better support parents.

I work within the BACP ethical framework and am covered by professional indemnity insurance.  I am committed to continued professional development to increase my knowledge and skills, and have regular supervision.  


Work Experience

Lorem ipsum, Design Editor
Nam Interdum, Creative Director
Vestibulum Eget, Creative Director
Nulla Varius, Editor
Tortor Quis Ante, Art Director
Gravida Ultrices, Art Director




